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For days, I couldn’t get to sleep. No matter how much I tried to ignore it, it kept popping back into my head. The time had come. A few moments from now, I will be soaring over the clear sky. My heart races and my hand trembles whenever I dwell on it. From my temples down to my chin, a fine mist of perspiration was spreading across my entire body. Since this would be my first flight after over 30 years of living, my brain is creating a cocktail of emotions. What if the plane crashes while in the air? Will the engine stop working? Could the pilot end his or her own life? It has happened in movies before. Those ideas were like bullets flying at me. Leaving my house was the first sign that it would hit me.

I was compelled to join by my father. This excursion has blown his mind. Whenever he got the opportunity, he would bring up our first formal family trio. This will be the second one, I contended. When I was a kid, my dad took me to Singapore, but I think he forgot about it. “That isn’t relevant,” he stated.

This is the last opportunity for passengers to board flight ML450 bound for Shanghai, so please stand by. Kindly go straight to gate 3.

When I dash around like a chicken without a head in search of the gate, everyone is gazing. My failure to answer the first call could be attributed to the caffeine in my coffee. I get a wave from a woman on the airport’s eastern side. As I approach her, she grinned, practically drenched in perspiration if it weren’t for the chilly air conditioning. Our discussion is interrupted by a raging feud between her male coworker and two male passengers. Upon finishing the processing of my paperwork, the woman instructs me to board the plane. Inside the cabin, a stewardess who is six feet tall shows me where I will sit. I had to sit down for a little before I can get comfortable. Just as I finish loading my bags into the overhead compartment, the two passengers come in and make their way to their seats. While one stewardess begins to count and verify the manifest, another one steps in. The captain makes the takeoff announcement as the light gradually fades.

As the plane swerves on the runway, the sound of its engines echoes. A tremor runs through my body whenever the wings slice through dense cloud cover. In order to pray, I shut my eyes and open my lips. It was at that moment on the runway that my heart broke. Once the plane has gotten airborne, the clock will strike twelve. As the light falls on the ground, the city becomes a glittering spectacle. Having the moon in the sky adds a beautiful touch to the view. KL, until we meet again.

When a fragrant scent begins to float through the passenger cabin, my excitement level rises. However, I am let down when one of the flight attendants brings me macaroni and cheese rather than Nasi Lemak. The supper wouldn’t have crossed my mind if it weren’t for the lovely smile she wore in response to my gratitude. I had no idea that the lovely grin was going to be my final sight of a smile and that mac and cheese would be my final supper.

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